Insomnia is a sleep disorder, which can happen to any kind of people. Be it old age or young, insomnia is a nightmare for all people. However, insomnia is not an incurable disease. It can be cured by proper treatments and medications. First of all, before starting a medication for insomnia, it is advisable that people should confirm whether he or she actually has insomnia. We should always try to avoid wrong medication as it can lead to different types of complications. Moreover, if you feel you have symptoms for insomnia, you also have chances of having sleep apnea. It can also happen that you are treated for insomnia when you are actually suffering from sleep apnea. It's always hard to find out so one need to be very careful while observing his or her behavior. Proper diagnosis is necessary before starting the medications, as symptoms are sometimes similar.
There are many medications, therapies, and remedies to treat insomnia. Natural treatment by means of exercise and meditation is the best however when it comes to chronic insomnia, people should get a closer examination done by doctors and start medication under their prescriptions. The prescriptions are different as insomnia is classified into two types, acute and chronic. Acute insomnia is a short-term disorder that can happen to anyone of any age groups. It lasts only for a very short period of time and it is not as serious as chronic insomnia. The best thing to cure acute insomnia would be finding the cause. The cause can be loss of job, changing work place or anything, once you find out, you can start your own treatment by making yourself comfortable. Whereas, in case of chronic insomnia, people should have a thorough examination and proper treatment as it is a long-term disorder. The best way to treat insomnia is proper diagnosis and medications collectively known as hypnotics. Some of the best medications are as follows:
* Benzodiazepines: some of the best-known benzodiazepines drugs are diazepam and nitrazepam. These drugs are used to cure chronic insomnia, hypnotically. It acts by increasing the action of gamma amino butyric acids, which involves in slowing down the transmission of nerve signals in the brain.
* Non-benzodiazepine hypnotics: The nonbenzodiazepines drugs are used to treat insomnia patients. It is a newly developed drug and the actions of this drug are found to be similar with those of benzadiazepines though they are structurally dissimilar. They can be bought from the market with a doctor's prescription. A doctor's prescription is necessary as these drugs can be misused as tranquilizers and sedatives. One of the most used non-benzodiazepine drug is zolpidem or the Z-drug. This drug is taken at the bedtime and sometimes taken by patients, when having difficulty falling asleep.
* Antidepressant: Antidepressants such as trazodone (Desyrel), amitriptyline (Elavil), and doxepin (Sinequan) are use as treatments against insomnia. Insomnia patient are prone to feel sad and distressed as they lack proper sleep and energy. To overcome it, antidepressants are given to them.
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